Triple Interpretation
[시사타임즈 = 이철원 시사타임즈 회장] The Philippines has a land area of 1.3 times the size of the Korean Peninsula, has a population of 100 million, and is made up of 7,000 islands. In a good way, it has diverse cultures, but in a bad way, it is divided into many islands, making it difficult for national integration. So, there are still dozens of languages spoken in the Philippines that have limited communication with other regions. Spain and the United States, which had colonized the Philippines, used Spanish and English as their colonial languages to solve this problem, which is why English has become one of the official languages of the Philippines. And just as the remnants of Japanese remain in Korean after 36 years of Japanese colonial rule, Spanish and English, the colonial languages of the Philippines, influenced the local language of the Philippines. As a representative example, Tagalog, which is currently used as an official language along with English in the Philippines, was greatly influenced by English. So it is closer to Tagallish, which is Tagalog + English. Tagalog is one of the local languages spoken in Luzon, including the capital, Manila.
Because schooling is conducted in English and Tagalog, the higher the academic level, the more fluent in English and Tagalog. Here in Leyte, the central Philippines language, Visayas, was spoken, so the further into the countryside, the fewer English-speaking residents, and the dialect was so severe that communication was limited. Therefore, it was virtually impossible for us to fully communicate in English and Tagalog with the local people we come in contact with between the restoration work and the community-friendly activities. As a unit commander, most of the personnel I come into contact with are the Philippine military, police, and administrative officials, so I could communicate in English, so there was no problem. However, the resident-friendly and medical support personnel who had to directly contact the residents at the site had difficulties due to communication problems. In particular, the medical team had to listen to an accurate explanation of the symptoms from the patient for treatment. It was possible to treat patients only after going through a triple interpretation of Korean, English, and Visayas. However, the problem was that whenever we went to a remote village, we had to find a local person who could translate English into Visayas, but such people were rare.
So, initially with the help of the Visayas-speaking Philippine military, we hired locals who could interpret in English and Visayas. In the chaotic situation immediately after the typhoon, criminals or mentally challenged personnel may apply, so I met the governor and asked the Korean military to select an interpreter for the smooth execution of its mission. First of all, it was suggested that they should be able to speak English, Tagalog, and Visayas, and that they should be selected as college graduates if possible, and the wage offered about $10 a day (10,000 won) considering the daily wage of an adult worker before the typhoon damage.
In terms of the amount, although they are not paid much compared to the local workers, when I received the applicants recommended by the state of Leyte, the qualifications were much better than expected. After initial verification of these applicants through a background check by the Philippine intelligence unit, we conducted an interview at the unit and selected six candidates. Fortunately, all the interpreters who served in the unit were proud to work with the Korean military. In particular, what was encouraging was that they became the most friendly personnel supporting the Arau Unit, directly promoting the unit to local residents, and spreading the unit activity throughout the Philippines through SNS such as Facebook. The reason that all local employees are happy and proud to work with the Arau Unit is because our soldiers treated them personally and shared their sincerity as colleagues without prejudice. All of them became strong publicists and strong supporters for the Arau unit.
글 : 이철원 시사타임즈 회장
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이철원 시사타임즈 회장
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