<아라우의 후예 37> "Challenge! Your dream comes true"
[시사타임즈 = 이철원 시사타임즈 회장] When the urgent infrastructure such as roads and embankments was restored and normalized by putting in heavy equipment by the ARAW Unit, I wondered, “Why don’t they just watch our ARAW unit’s activities and not put in their equipment to restore it?”

In the case of Korea, when a major disaster such as the 'West Coast oil spill' occurs, the entire nation participates in the restoration efforts, but such an image could not be found here. When I went to the recovery site, although they were old, there were heavy equipment owned by each city hall, and a number of heavy equipment owned by the private sector were found, but all of them were stationary and stopped.
The reason is that Leyte state does not require large-scale construction, so the number of heavy equipment technicians was small as there were limited jobs that could be employed with heavy equipment qualifications. In addition, Typhoon Haiyan killed many of the few heavy equipment engineers in Leyte Province. Most of the surviving technicians moved to other areas for safety.
Under these circumstances, the equipment owned by local governments and equipment provided by support groups had no choice but to stand still. Above all, there was a structural problem in that it was impossible to train heavy equipment operators because there was no specialized educational institution to train heavy equipment.

Even before the typhoon damage, we thought that if we could teach heavy equipment technology to residents whose lives were unstable, life would be improved and local heavy equipment technical manpower could be nurtured. The site near the base camp was provided free of charge by the state of Leyte, and the training center facilities were installed in accordance with the Korean-style national qualification test standards.
The trainees were selected by region through consultation with the mayors, including Governor Leyte, so that they could take turns entering the school in turn. As for the education subject, five subjects (excavator, dozer, loader, forklift, crane) that can be practiced with equipment possessed by the unit were set as a six-week course. The Philippine Institute of Science and Technology is in charge of the three-week theoretical education, and we were in charge of the three-week practical education by applying the Korean-style national qualification test standards. After the training, the two institutions jointly evaluated and granted the Philippine national certification.
Considering the characteristics of the Philippines, where not only men but also women actively enter the society and many women are responsible for the livelihood of their families, women were also selected. All preparations for the operation of the heavy equipment vocational school were completed and the first trainees were welcomed in early April.
Tanawan City was selected as a result of a lottery by the heads of local governments for the first trainees. The Philippine Army has organized five riders each to give them an opportunity to try a new job after being discharged. About 500 trainees were produced during the deployment period.
The trainees were very passionate about the training and were very proud of being trainees of the‘ARAW Heavy Equipment Vocational School', such as voluntarily making and fitting uniforms. There was a high level of competition in the selection of trainees in each region, and there were constant requests to expand the number of trainees and areas for education.

The graduates shared a sense of belonging to the ‘ARAW Heavy Equipment Vocational School’through SNS and became our most reliable supporters. What is most welcome is the news that several of the graduates have succeeded in finding employment.
Through the ARAW Heavy Equipment Vocational School, they improved their lives and made their dreams come true. Around October, the Minister of Technical Education, which oversees all vocational schools in the Philippines, visited the ARAW Unit. He graduated from Harvard University at the age of 36, and as a minister popular with the people, he attended the graduation ceremony of the vocational school and gave the following moving speech.

"A young man picked up the starfish one by one and threw them into the sea to save the many starfish that had been washed ashore by the typhoon. An old man who watched him go on with his work into the afternoon without even eating said to the young man, 'The starfish will keep coming out of the water by being pushed by the waves, and you are doing nothing' The young man said, 'still, the starfish I threw in can live' You are a starfish given to you by a Korean soldier and thrown back into the sea. Koreans are never stupid. The South Korean military sweats for us because they believe we are worth helping. I hope you will succeed by working hard to prove that belief. So let's repay the kindness of the Korean people."

Currently, the population of the Philippines has exceeded 100 million, of which 60-70% of the population is under the age of 30. In addition, the Philippines has great dexterity and enormous natural resources that can make anything with a saw and hammer. If Korea's sense of challenge and passion can be conveyed to those with infinite potential, tremendous growth and development will be possible.
We expect that the ‘ARAW Heavy Equipment Vocational School’will blossom into the Philippines as a seed to convey the spirit of challenge and passion of Koreans along with Korean technology. So, “Challenge! Your dreams comes true.” was the motto of the heavy equipment vocational school.
<맑은 사회와 밝은 미래를 창조하는 시사타임즈>
<저작권자(c)시사타임즈. 무단전재-재배포금지.>
<시사타임즈 홈페이지 = www.timesisa.com>
이철원 본지 회장 wangco123@timesisa.com
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