Operation ‘Arau Angel’
[시사타임즈 = 이철원 시사타임즈 회장] The military gives meaningful names when conducting major military operations. The name of the operation should be selected carefully because it provides the justification and justification for the military operation and instills confidence in the soldiers who carry out the operation. For example, there is the name ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’, which was given by the US military during the war in Iraq.
At a time when the debate over whether the invasion of Iraq is ‘ustified’is being raised not only in the Third World but also in the United States, the Iraq war is not out of revenge and interests of the United States, but by liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein and establishing freedom and peace; It provided justification and justification to protect the world from serious threats, and instilled confidence in the soldiers who were put into battle.
In the case of our military, the forces and 500 vehicles of the Zaytun Division dispatched to Iraq in August 2004 successfully moved from Kuwait to Erbil, the northern Iraqi operation area, over four days, which was called Operation Pabalma. Pabalma is a word used by people who delivered official documents in the Joseon Dynasty, and it has the meaning of delivering good news. Also, in January 2011, the operation of the Cheonghae Unit to rescue all 21 crew members and the Samho Jewelery, which was kidnapped by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden, was named 'Operation at Dawn of the Gulf of Aden'.
In order to present the external justification and justification for our restoration support activities and to elicit the beliefs of the soldiers, I struggled with what to call the ARAW nit's restoration support operation. “What kind of grand military operation do you give to disaster recovery activities that are not military operations?” You might say However, just calling it‘disaster recovery activity’and‘disaster recovery operation’ differs from the mindset of the deployed soldiers.
I created the sentry soldier creed with the mindset that they should have while dispatching troops, and I made them chant it every morning and make it their belief. One of them is, “We always do our best, risking our country, our troops, and my honor with a fighting spirit.” In other words, “We are dispatched here for disaster recovery support, but we are carrying out recovery support activities with an attitude of risking our lives to fight for the honor of the Republic of Korea, the Armed Forces, the unit, and myself.” In that sense, all recovery support activities of the ARAW Unit were another 'military operation'.
Until now, the Korean military's overseas dispatch activities were often referred to as 'Operation 00 Angel'. The Evergreen Unit, dispatched to Timor-Leste in 1999, was called 'Operation Blue Angel' in the sense of sending troops that are as wide and deep as the blue sea of the Pacific Ocean and give joy and hope like an angel. It was named 'Green Angel' with the hope that the Iraqi people would overcome the pain of war and be reborn like a beautiful meadow. Therefore, in consideration of the linkage of the overseas contingent units and the purpose of the unit's activities, all restoration support activities carried out by the ARAW Unit were named 'Operation Aau Angel'. I liked it and it made sense.
The name‘RAW’means‘sun’ and ‘hope’ in Tagalog, the official language of the Philippines. We made it with the hope that the activities we are doing will be remembered as activities like ‘angel’.
글 : 이철원 시사타임즈 회장
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