Communication comes first!
[시사타임즈 = 이철원 시사타임즈 회장] Even within a group that uses the same language and shares the same culture, 'communication' is difficult. If we settle for a while rather than traveling to another country, we will be able to live only when we communicate smoothly with the residents. It can be said that life itself is difficult without smooth communication with the local government, residents, and the military if the military, who is not an ordinary person, is stationed in a foreign country and lives for a long time.
If the overseas contingent unit has a communication problem with the host country and cannot understand the dispatch unit's activities to the locals, misunderstanding and distrust will only grow, and the meaning of dispatch will inevitably fade. For this reason, I thought that communication with the local public, private, and military was a key factor in successful dispatching activities. At the beginning of the deployment, I actively participated in various meetings and events hosted by local governments to facilitate communication with local governments, supported their requests, and personally maintained close relationships with key figures. In order to communicate with the residents, the opinions of the village heads were collected to ensure that no villages were left behind. In addition, two-way communication through regular meetings with the interpreters employed in the unit was managed so that there were no negative issues between the residents and the members of the Arau unit. In addition, by using the media, local media outlets and reporters worked hard so that the activities of the ARAW unit were reported in a friendly manner. As a result, our activities were reported in the media every day, helping to form favorable public opinion among the residents.
For operational success in the military, each unit operates a liaison officer as a means of mutual information exchange and organic cooperation. In particular, considering the fact that airplanes are often used for procurement and supply due to the nature of the region made up of many islands, an Air Force major was dispatched as a liaison officer to the Central Command of the Philippine Army in Cebu.
In addition, Philippine military liaison officers as well as police liaison officers were requested and stationed in the unit to provide alerts, cooperate with the military and police, and solve problems with the public. Unlike other contingent units that focus on military operations, the ARAW Unit, whose main task is disaster recovery, has frequent contact with civilians and many things to cooperate with, so the police who are well-versed in local circumstances were more effective than the military.
In fact, liaisons are a double-edged sword. Through them, our activities can be naturally promoted to the Philippine government, military and police, and our needs can be communicated, while our detailed activities are all reported to the upper level, so they become their eyes and ears. Therefore, we had to pay attention to each and every detail of our soldiers' actions, and these had the effect of being a little more careful and refraining from our actions. In fact, when the Philippine Defense Minister visited the unit, he said, “We are receiving reports on what ARAW is doing and especially what the commander is doing.”
Nowadays, communication is emphasized everywhere and it is emerging as a hot topic, and it is said that it is a problem because communication is not possible regardless of politics, business, school, and home. For communication, it is important to create a structural device that can reflect the wishes of members well, but it will be important to express sincerity so as not to misunderstand each other's true meaning between organizations and members. We believe that the sincerity of ARAW's dispatching activities will be conveyed to the Philippine government and local residents, and will remain as a lingering impression even after we leave.
글 : 이철원 시사타임즈 회장
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