Change of thinking
[시사타임즈 = 이철원 시사타임즈 회장] On January 2, 2014, 50 days had passed since the typhoon occurred, but no one in the Tacloban area was doing any building restoration work. The reason was that although the shock of the enormous typhoon did not bring it up, there were no construction materials, technicians, and workers. Under these circumstances, the Arau unit was able to restore Opong Elementary School and Leyte State Hospital in just three weeks with the materials brought to the Landing Support Ship (LST) when dispatched. After using all the construction materials, from the end of February, it was difficult to build any more due to problems with the rules and procedures for using the construction budget. Although the budget for facility construction was insufficient, it took a long time to restore the building because the military construction using the defense budget applied procedures such as public notice, bid, contract, advance payment, and completion inspection because of the transparency of budget use. However, just because it was an overseas disaster area, these regulations and procedures could not be ignored. In addition, although the sponsoring organization offered to support the budget for restoration of public buildings, there were many restrictions on the military base to receive the budget directly.
Religious and charitable organizations in Korea that are active or visiting in the field saw that Arau Units were restoring hospitals and schools and tried to promote donation activities through Arau Units. This was because each organization favored a reliable military for transparency and efficiency of budget execution, and our restoration focus was in line with the business purpose of the sponsoring organization. However, according to the ‘Act on the Recruitment and Use of Donations’, when the Arau Units directly received donations and started construction, legal and administrative procedures for approval and use of the donation budget took considerable time, even though they were overseas. Therefore, I came up with the idea of a ‘creative restoration method’ using the budget of the sponsoring organization to expedite restoration work.
This was immediately implemented without a report and deliberation to the Ministry of National Defense, as the sponsoring organization donates restoration materials to the public facilities to be restored and the Arau unit only carries out the construction, and we do not receive direct donations. As a result, construction could be carried out quickly, administrative requirements for contract work and budget execution were minimized, and the possibility of financial problems was prevented. The creative and effective restoration work procedure is as follows.
First, reconnaissance of the damaged facility was conducted to analyze the accessibility of troops and construction equipment. In addition, since the Philippine Army must provide a vigilance while encamping at the site, the facility to be restored was selected in consideration of the Philippine military's encampment conditions.
In the second case, 2-3 weeks before construction, the team leader of the Engineering Corps calculates the materials required for restoration for the target building and provides them to the local material supplier and sponsoring organization, and the sponsoring organization pays the price. delivered. And even though the restoration materials are expensive, we used high-quality (not coconut wood, imported wood from New Zealand, which has strong durability) in preparation for another typhoon.
Third, the division of labor between Aarau unit members and Filipino engineers, Filipino engineers focused on masonry, plastering, and woodworking of walls and columns, and Arau unit members used heavy equipment for foundation work, roof and ceiling, painting, electricity, and plumbing work. Finally, upon completion of the construction, the representative of the sponsoring organization, the representative of the building (the principal, the head of the institution, the mayor, etc.), and the Arau unit signed the memorandum of agreement to donate the completed building free of charge, and then the building completion ceremony was held. By changing the idea in this way, the government budget was saved in the disaster area by applying the concept of support to the public, where the sponsoring organization provided recovery materials to the facility to be restored and the Arau unit only carried out construction. In addition, while meeting the requirements of the sponsoring organization, the construction was carried out promptly.
글 : 이철원 시사타임즈 회장
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이철원 시사타임즈 회장
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